

mlpack features I am working on.

View the Project on GitHub iamshnoo/mlpack-testing

Instance Norm

Contains all the work done on the Instance Norm layer.


What’s in this folder

  1. Normalisation_Visualisations.ipynb - to recreate the visuals in blog post 1.
  2. Instance_Norm_as_BatchNorm_wrapper.ipynb - comparison between PyTorch/numpy and mlpack/armadillo implementations of the layer.
  3. test.cpp - An initial approach I tried for writing the layer as an independent unit and not as a wrapper of BatchNorm.
  4. bn.cpp - The final implementation chosen where the layer is created as a wrapper of the BatchNorm class.

How to run

To run the .cpp files, you need to have armadillo installed in your system.

g++ test.cpp -o test -larmadillo && ./test
g++ bn.cpp -o bn -larmadillo && ./test

To run Normalisation_Visualisations.ipynb, you would need pytorch, torchvision, matplotlib, seaborn, numpy, PIL python libraries.

To run Instance_Norm_as_BatchNorm_wrapper.ipynb, you would need pytorch, numpy and armadillo. To avoid issues with linking the libraries correctly, it is better to run the notebook in Google Colab.